Pararadio |
Backspace |
B92 |
Ozone |
Interface |
radioqualia |
| | | |
Pararadio (Budapest, Hungary). Internet radio for new: technology, lifestyle, culture.
Live stream in RealMedia 1997–2007. In 2009 – not available.
KZSU (Stanford, California, USA). Stanford University 24h FM radio for independent music.
Live stream in RealMedia since 1995. In 2009 is available in MP3.
Backspace Radio (London, UK). Former self-supporting media center, art server and Internet radio.
Live stream in RealMedia 1996–1999. In 2009 – not available.
DFM (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). 24h artist-run radio, chat and multimedia community.
Live stream in RealMedia since 1996. In 2009 is available in RealMedia, MP3, WinMedia.
A link to the current/latest Live stream, delivered by Xchange network participants (1998-2000).
B92 (Belgrade, Serbia). 24h live FM radio on the Internet. Politically active in 90ties, today – popular commercial radio broadcaster.
Live stream in Real Audio since 1996. In 2009 is available in RealMedia, MP3, OGG.
Ozone (Riga, Latvia). Internet radio for collaborative experiments and Latvian electronic music.
Live streams weekly in RealMedia since 1997. In 2009 Live stream (or the last recorded session) is available in MP3.
Radio FRO (Linz, Austria). An independent radio station, on-air 105.0 FM.
Live stream in RealMedia since 1998, in 2009 is available in MP3, OGG.
MZX (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Ministry of Experiment for collective explorations of new principles in radio production.
Live streams in RealMedia since 1997. In 2009 live stream of Radio Student is available in MP3.
Interface (London, UK). 24h live Internet radio for DJs music. Live stream in RealMedia since 1997, available in 2009.
r a d i o q u a l i a (New Zealand, Australia). Radio and sound artists collective.
Live streams are project-based, in RealMedia since 1998. In 2009 Live stream is available in MP3 from their radio-astronomy.net project.